Achievements of devolution in kenya pdf

The 2010 constitution of kenya is a turning point in countrys history as it reconfigured balance of power by devolving power and. Guided by transition authority circulars, the kenya health policy 20092030, the kenya health sector strategic and investment plan 20142018, and vision 2030, fact met regularly to discuss functions, determine assignments, and track progress from october 2012 to february 20. Hailed as the great compromise of kenyas new 2010 constitution, devolution was one of the hallmarks of the transition from a previously centralized political system, which was largely blamed for vast inequality, exclusion and deep divisions in kenyan society. Devolution is one of the most transformative changes to kenyas governance system brought about by the constitution of kenya, 2010. It expresses the general will of the nation, its history aspirations and vision. Forty seven county governments came into operation two and half years ago following the general elections of march 20. Since then, kenyans have had a chance to elect representatives in the county government twice 20 and 2017. These achievements can be attributed to effective partnerships with development partners, government institutions, civil society and others. The ambitious decentralization defined under kenyas 2010 constitution is arguably the most farreaching of many reforms. Pdf kenyans have suffered from marginalization since the country gained independence.

Most counties especially in the arid and semiarid lands. From the pilot, the ministry of health developed a manual for integrating social. Devolution and education law and policy in kenya prof ben sihanya, jsd stanford1 1. However, the process has been bedeviled by a number of factors as outline under. Decentralization has also appeared in the form of devolution of major functional responsibilities such primary education, health, water, and sanitation, and rural feeder roads from the central to local governments. However, it is important to note the successes of devolution. Samuel hall is a research and consulting company based in asia kabul, afghanistan and east africa nairobi, kenya. In 20 kenya reformed the healthcare system and sector with the socalled devolution, meaning that the 47 counties gained a relatively high degree of autonomy. In 2010, the government did a remarkable duty by creating a new. Kenya united states agency for international development. Devolution in natural resource management 7 executive summary throughout the region there has been a move to empower communities to manage natural resources wildlife and forestry. Pdf the adoption of devolved system of government in kenya was a. How devolution has impacted positively on kenyans the standard. One of the hallmarks of the 2010 kenya constitution is the introduction of the devolved systems that run parallel with the national governments.

This document lists definitions of decentralization, deconcentration, devolution and other related terms used in papers presented at the interlaken workshop on decentralization, 2730 april 2004, interlaken, switzerland. We know that the implementation of devolution is a. The program addresses key capacity gaps to make devolution respond to citizens needs through strengthened institutions, improved service delivery and citizen engagement. Aligning legislation with the new constitution brings to fore some important policy. Society for international development sid regional of. No doubt, the cardinal principal of devolution is to distribute. To demonstrate the achievements in adopting the big bang devolution implementation approach. Strengthen the core team that is guiding the devolution.

Overview of the health system in kenya chapter 2 overview of the health system in kenya dr. Devolution the 2010 constitution of kenya is a turning point in countrys history as it reconfigured balance of power by devolving power and responsibilities from the national government to 47 elected county governments. This marked a complete departure from the centralized system. We have constructed and set up 2 icu intensive care unit at thika level 5 and at gatundu level 4. A number of key steps have been taken as part of the constitutionally prescribed three year rollout plan for. The major impact has been the opening up of once marginalized areas of our. The program has contributed greatly to delivering the devolution dividend for all kenyans. Devolution and development paradox kenyas devolution is unique and ambitious and the world is keen to learn from it, never before has a country embarked on this process by devolving administrative, political structures and resources simultaneously. Devolution and public participation in kenya civic education handouts for participants executive programme isbn. The major impact has been the opening up of once marginalized areas of our country. Kenyas new constitution marks a critical juncture in the nations history. The second phase of kadp comes to an end in december 2019. Devolution of power, democracy and participation are some of the values and principles in art.

It provides one of the few cases in the african context that allows us to examine the effect of decentralization on patronage and rent. The constitution of kenya 2010 provided for a new devolved system of government. The main objective of adopting a devolved system of government was to bring services closer to the people and. Devolution in kenya, by its character, object and principles, envisioned to provide opportunity for greater citizen participation in local development and permits the government to respond quickly to local needs leaders are close. Conference 2017 held at the kenya wildlife service training.

Kenya is the healthcare frontrunner in east africa. We specialise in socioeconomic surveys, private and public sector studies, and impact assessments for. The adoption of devolved system of government in kenya was a desire of citizens who wanted access to public services closer to them. The kenya accountable devolution program kadp works with government at both county and national levels. The scale, scope and complexity of kenya s devolution 12 how the public sector functions today, and where it has failed 12. Terry gakuruh this chapter provides an overview of the health system in kenya as a context in which to view the findings of the 2004 kenya service provision assessment kspa 2004 survey. This study is important in pointing out the various. Options for security after devolution in kenya 8 the march 20 general elections brought into place the first devolved system of government as envisaged by the 2010 constitution of kenya, a popular move, for which kenyans had voted. Make sure the team is multisectoral so that devolution can proceed seamlessly, with minimum disruption, because public health is a national interest with implications for kenyas security. The policy is anchored in the constitution of kenya 2010, sessional paper of devolved government 2012 and national values and principles of governance. Amidst very high public expectations, kenyas devolution is one of. Article 174 of the constitution provides that one of the key objectives of devolution is to promote social and economic development and provide proximate, easily accessible services throughout kenya. Introducing devolution in education policy and law this paper examines the juridical or legal and policy framework on devolution and education.

As this is a work in progress, there may be many parts needing improvementchanges. Opportunities and challenges for the water sector supporting poorinclusive wss sector reform in the current scenario, devolution is likely to proceed for some time under existing legislation. The dynamics of devolution in zimbabwe a briefing paper on local democracy. Justification for devolution laws the constitution of kenya is the supreme law of the land. Devolution is one of the values and principles recognised in article 10 of the constitution of kenya 2010 the constitution. It also recalibrated the powers between executive, legislative and judicial branches. Published and printed by ministry of devolution and planning, and transition authority all or part of this publication may be reproduced. Kirori senior lecturer and head of accounting and finance department faculty of commerce the catholic university of eastern africa abstract the rural sector is a major factor in kenyas productive sectors referred to in the statistical.

The objects of devolution as provided for in articles 174 and. This means that any other legislation that is passed and is not. Devolution a more comprehensive form of decentralization that represents a form of power sharing between central and subnational government 50 has recently been introduced in kenya. Supporting poorinclusive wss sector reform devolution in. This paper provides a comparative analysis of the devolution and empowerment process in 14 case studies drawn from eight countries in southern africa. The devolved system of government is the centrepiece of kenya s new constitution. Training and hiring of an inhouse nephrologist and 4 nurses has been done. I analyze how the constitutional promise of devolution is being operationalised in the education sector. The scale, scope and complexity of kenyas devolution 12 how the public sector functions today, and where it has failed 12.

Devolution and public participation in kenya foreword the constitution of kenya was promulgated on 27th august, 2010, following a long process of development. Devolution and its impact on regional trade in east africa. The enlightened and visionary elites in kenya are strong supporters of devolution. This policy has been developed by the ministry of devolution and planning to guide the implementation of the devolved system of government in kenya. Devolution has provided kenya with an opportunity to accelerate development and work towards achieving vision 2030 kenya s development blueprint and the global 2030 development agenda. Kenya adopted a devolved system of government in the year 2010 through a new constitution.

Kenya chapter 11, section 174 a, devolving the government to the regional and local level. Building public participation in kenyas devolved government. It is a regional and crossborder issue, with a strong political dimension that goes beyond the existing humanitarian agenda. As devolution in the united kingdom moves into its second decade and is fully operational in scotland, wales and northern ireland it is an appropriate time to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the impact of devolution on social policy, based on the experience of all three countries. Instituted in 20, devolution in kenya seeks to bring government closer to the people by devolving political and economic resources to kenyas fortyseven county governments. Other ahadi activities support research and best practice centers, like the council of governors maarifa center, that facilitate development and dissemination of approaches for effective implementation of devolution. Over 2,000 dialysis sessions have been conducted since inception. The world bank has praised kenya for the strides it has made in devolution saying the process could accelerate growth in previously neglected areas. Mr wamwangi, who chaired the authority that midwifed devolution, says that devolution has not only improved the economic and social welfare of people in many places, some of which were previously marginalised, but has, to a great extent, increased the democratic space in the country, since the people are. Actionaid published by actionaid denmark october 2014 about the research for this paper the research on which this briefing is based was commissioned by actionaid international zimbabwe. It is widely perceived, by kenyans from all walks of life, as a new beginning. The constitution declares kenya a sovereign republic which is a multiparty democratic state founded on the national values and principles in art. With the implementation of the new constitution and coming into force in 20, counties have continued to agitate for more political, fiscal and administrative powers so that they are able to mobile resources to their respective counties. Undp is very pleased to continue supporting the government of kenya implement devolution.